December 6, 2012

Countdown to Christmas begins

December 1st started the holiday season here in our house. We put up the tree and other decorations. We also started the 'chocolate calendar' as Marley calls it. 

That night we went to Taltree Arboretum for Glow in the Garden. Santa was there (the one mentioned here) and they had some lights and trains. We've never been there before so we weren't sure what to expect, but we heard you need to go in the summer to really enjoy everything they have because they put most of the stuff away in the winter months. 

Marley liked the trains. They even had a Thomas one.

My dad waiting for a good couple minutes for the train to come onto the bridge so he could get the perfect picture. 

Outside of the train depot was there was this puzzle. I think we spent at least 15 minutes trying to figure it out, but couldn't. I couldn't just go home without figuring it out so I took a picture of the puzzle and directions to figure out later. The next morning, I got on the computer, opened the pictures up in paint (so I could draw lines on it) and I had it figured out on my second try. Give it a try! 

Start at the yellow hand print square, proceed for as many squares as you choose in the given direction. once you have stopped, change direction and move according to your new arrow. continue this way until you reach the middle square.


How many tries did it take you? Are you still trying to figure it out?? I think the reason we couldn't figure it out in person was the two top left arrows pointing at each other really threw us off, but they're very important!

We're going to see Santa again so we can get a picture with Marley and Mason so I'll be back in another post to share that. 

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