December 10, 2012

Taco Bake

I'm back for another recipe. This time it's Taco Bake.

1 lb ground beef
1 packet taco seasoning
Water (as called for on seasoning packet)
tortilla shells
1/2 cup salsa con queso
1 1/2 cup shredded cheese (I used cheddar)

Brown and crumble ground beef. Drain out fat.  Mix in taco seasoning and water according to directions on package.

Once meat is ready turn off heat and add the 1/2 cup salsa con queso and mix well.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Place tortilla shell on cookie sheet or in a round cake pan.  Next add 1/3 of the meat and then 1/3 of the cheese then tortilla, continue layering until you end with cheese on top.

Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes. Let cool for a few minutes then enjoy!

December 7, 2012

Layered Italian Bake

I think I've cooked dinner every night this week. That's probably a first for me. We usually at least have one night of frozen pizza or chicken nuggets.

This time it's Layered Italian Bake.

1- 8oz refrigerated crescent rolls
8 slices turkey
8 slices ham
12 slices salami (I didn't use salami, but I guess the meat is what gives it the Italian name?)
8 slices swiss cheese
4 eggs, beaten
1 can roasted red peppers (I didn't use these either because I don't like peppers)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Unroll crescent rolls without separating triangles. Separate into 2 squares.
Place one square on the bottom of an 8x8 square baking dish.

Layer half the meat on top of dough, then cheese and peppers. Pour half of the eggs on top of the cheese.

Continue layering meat, cheese, peppers.  Place other square of crescent rolls on top.  Pour remaining eggs on top of dough.

Cover lightly with foil and bake for 20 minutes.  Remove foil and cook for an additional 20 minutes. (I cooked mine for a total of 50 minutes because I noticed the eggs were still really runny and that grosses me out)

Let cool for 10-15 minutes. Enjoy!

I will admit this recipe scared me a little. First, was the fact that I was putting eggs on what was essentially a sandwich and I don't really like eggs. Second, was the way it looked. I'm a picky eater so if something looks weird I won't even try it, but this smelled amazing so I gave it a try.  It was actually pretty good. I couldn't taste the eggs at all. Mike said it was alright and again Marley only ate hers because she wanted candy afterwards.  I did some searching online to see if I could find some other reviews of it, just to see what others thought of it, and I stumbled across someone saying they would make it using cheddar cheese and add bacon so it's more of a breakfast dish. I am totally doing that next time- who doesn't love bacon?!

December 6, 2012

Countdown to Christmas begins

December 1st started the holiday season here in our house. We put up the tree and other decorations. We also started the 'chocolate calendar' as Marley calls it. 

That night we went to Taltree Arboretum for Glow in the Garden. Santa was there (the one mentioned here) and they had some lights and trains. We've never been there before so we weren't sure what to expect, but we heard you need to go in the summer to really enjoy everything they have because they put most of the stuff away in the winter months. 

Marley liked the trains. They even had a Thomas one.

My dad waiting for a good couple minutes for the train to come onto the bridge so he could get the perfect picture. 

Outside of the train depot was there was this puzzle. I think we spent at least 15 minutes trying to figure it out, but couldn't. I couldn't just go home without figuring it out so I took a picture of the puzzle and directions to figure out later. The next morning, I got on the computer, opened the pictures up in paint (so I could draw lines on it) and I had it figured out on my second try. Give it a try! 

Start at the yellow hand print square, proceed for as many squares as you choose in the given direction. once you have stopped, change direction and move according to your new arrow. continue this way until you reach the middle square.


How many tries did it take you? Are you still trying to figure it out?? I think the reason we couldn't figure it out in person was the two top left arrows pointing at each other really threw us off, but they're very important!

We're going to see Santa again so we can get a picture with Marley and Mason so I'll be back in another post to share that. 

December 5, 2012

November Marley Talk

Me- kiddo we need to get an elf on the shelf.
Marley- how about a bunny on the shelf.
Me- no its an elf.
Marley- well I want a bunny because I don't like when things rhyme.

Driving past Mike's old job
Marley- Dad, there's the work that you hated.

Talking after we got home on Thanksgiving
Mike- I hate Christmas
Marley- Why do you hate it, you get presents.
Me- it's not about the presents.
Marley- and cookies too.

After seeing Santa. Marley comes walking over to us with her candy cane and says "Santa doesn't even know I don't like these"

Me- we're going to see Santa again at the fishy place (Bass Pro Shop)
Marley- why, we already saw santa
Me- well brother didn't because he was asleep
Marley- maybe that wasn't the right santa

Again talking about Santa
Marley- that santa we saw was just a lady in a costume
Me- A LADY?!

Marley- "when I get married, I want a pet butterfly"

December 4, 2012

Weeks 32-35

At Mason's doctor's appointment this week he weighed 15.5lbs and is 28 1/2 inches tall.  

December 3, 2012

Jack- Week Three

Night Fourteen
Riding a ladybug decoration.

Night Fifteen 
He hung this wreath up, but didn't finish making it...yet.

Night Sixteen

Night Seventeen
Marley had been playing with playdoh all day so that night Jack decided he wanted to play too. Marley was upset in the morning though because she wanted to use the scissors. Since you can't touch Jack I had to grab the scissors and pull them from his hands so Marley could play with them.

Night Eighteen
Jack was really tired and forgot to fly back to Santa- oops!

Night Nineteen
Jack found a friend to play blocks with.

Night Twenty

Dining with baby.  This was in Marley's room, she went up to play later and didn't want him in there so I had to scoop him into a basket and carry him downstairs. HA! 

See all our Elf adventures here.

November 30, 2012

Kiwi Crate Review

I first heard of Kiwi Crate through a friend. It looked interesting and like something Marley would enjoy, but at the time it was a little too pricey for us.  With Mike starting his new job, I decided to splurge on a monthly subscription for Marley. 

Her November box arrived the other day and she dove right in. It was the Carnegie Hall Making Music Crate.  Each box has 2-3 crafts in it. This one had a xylophone and rhythm bells.  The crafts are geared towards 3-7 year olds and each comes with instructions (with pictures)  Marley needed very little help from me once I read her the instructions. 

Getting started. Apparently Zeus had to check it out too. 

Done, now it's music time. 

She played a "song" and then immediately asked to do the next one. 

Done with the rhythm bells. Now it's time to rock out! (Marley loves rock n roll music so I'm sure she thought she was playing rock n roll) 

Overall, I think Marley really enjoyed this, and it only took her about 15-20 minutes to make both crafts. I'm excited to see the December one! 

Does anyone else subscribe to Kiwi Crate? If you want to try it out, they're having lots of holiday specials right now, and I have a coupon if anyone is interested.

Want to sign up? Just click here.