September 7, 2012

Growing up

This past week was Marley's first day of preschool.  She goes half day on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She was so excited about starting school, and was asking if it was time to leave two hours before it really was time to leave.

Checking in

By her cubby 

Poor Mike. So sad his baby is growing up.
 Here are the papers that Marley brought home from her first week at school.

 I have a brilliant idea of what I am going to do with all the school papers she brings home- You'll have to wait until May to find out what is it though.

After we picked Marley up on her first day she said "I love school"  We then came home, had a snack and headed to her first swimming lesson.

 Of course, she loved it and before we made it to the car she asked when she could come back. She has swimming on Monday and Wednesdays. We're keeping her busy that's for sure!

September 2, 2012

Basket Case

I persuaded Mike to go to some yard sales with me a few weekends ago. I found this basket for $0.50.

 At the time I had no idea what to do with it, but figured for that price I could find some use for it.  Once we got home I decided I wanted to spray paint it because we'll it's pretty ugly. Well, I didn't get to because Mike jumped in and did it for me.

 It looks so much better now.

After it sat out and dried I still didn't know what to use it for. Once I brought it inside I noticed all Mason's "toys" sitting around and decided that it would be his toy basket. He loves it!

August 31, 2012

August Marley talk

Here's the August edition of Marley talk.

After brushing her teeth
Marley- "are they shiny?"
Me- "so shiny"
Marley- "shiny as my grandma's floor?"

At a yard sale. Marley stayed in the van with the door open and Mike and I went up. The people having the sale had a bike, which Mike was looking at and a puppy that I was looking at.
Marley's yelling from the van- "I wanna pet the puppy",
Mike is talking to the lady about the bike. She tells him he can take it for a ride
Marley then yells-"I wanna ride the puppy"

This conversation happened between Marley and her bff Gracie-
M & G- in the back seat talking about poop
Me- "okay, let's stop talking about poop
Marley- "yah Gracie, no more poop"
Gracie- "okay, what about pee"

August 26, 2012

Baby Sandwiches

Here's another Pinterest recipe. There isn't an actual website with the recipe, it was just all typed up under the picture. But regardless, these are delicious!! This is actually the third time I've made these-that's how good they are!

2 pkgs hawaiian sweet rolls 
1lb honey ham 
1lb turkey 
1lb swiss cheese 
1lb provolone cheese 
1Tbsp honey mustard 
1Tbsp poppy seeds 
1 stick of butter 
4 Tbsp sugar 
2 Tbsp onion flakes 

Cut rolls horizontally (do not split up into individual rolls) remove top. Layer meats and cheese on the bottom and replace the top. Mix and melt together all other ingredients in saucepan. Let cool! Then spread on top of rolls. Bake at 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes

That's the Pinterest way. When I make them I leave out the swiss cheese and add cheddar. I also only use butter, sugar, garlic powder and minced onion in the spread for the top. And I definitely don't use a whole stick of butter. 

These are so good that we never have any leftovers! YUM! 

August 25, 2012

Pizza Rolls

Who doesn't love pizza?! So when I saw this recipe on Pinterest I decided to give it a whirl.  Very easy and inexpensive to make.  Here's the recipe-

1 (8 ounce) package refrigerated crescent roll dough
4 cheese sticks, halved
1 (3.5 ounce) package sliced pepperoni

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Take each triangle of crescent roll dough and place about 6 pepperoni on the bottom of the triangle. Place half of a cheese stick on top and roll up. 

Place seam side down on a cookie sheet and bake for 10-14 minutes or until golden brown.

I really liked them. Marley only at the crescent roll and the pepperoni because she says she doesn't like cheese. I will be making these again!

August 15, 2012


Meet Ryan. He's Mason's best friend (they have no say in this matter)  Ryan was born 18 days after Mason.  Ever since the first time they met Ryan has cried in every picture of the two of them together. Maybe he doesn't want to be Mason's friend?  But finally we got one of neither one crying, but they're separated haha.

Mason is 20 days old and Ryan is 2 days old
1 month old
3 months old
As you can see Ryan started out so small compared to Mason but has quickly passed him up. It will be so much fun watching these two grow up together.

Also recently Laura and Annabelle came out for a visit. They were out over Memorial Day and met Mason then, but I never posted the pictures.

Mason is almost 2 months old and Annabelle is 5 months old

Mason at 4 months and Annabelle is 7 months.
And now onto Marley's friend Gracie.  We've known Gracie and her mom Brandi since Marley was just a few months old. Gracie is 4 days older than Marley and they were born at the same hospital too! I met Brandi through a local mom's group.  Over the past year we haven't gotten the girls together as much as usual but once we do get them together they have a BLAST!

This is the first picture of the two of them that I can find. They were 1 year old. 

Maybe almost 2 here

2 years old  &  3 years old  

4 years old
Marley loves when she's with Gracie and always "talks on the phone" to Gracie.

August 7, 2012

Marley's "photo shoot"

So every week when I am taking Mason's weekly pictures Marley tries to sneak in the picture. I decided to do her own little photo shoot. It didn't last long before she was making weird faces and being goofy.


