August 14, 2012


August 7, 2012

Marley's "photo shoot"

So every week when I am taking Mason's weekly pictures Marley tries to sneak in the picture. I decided to do her own little photo shoot. It didn't last long before she was making weird faces and being goofy.




August 4, 2012


August 3, 2012

July Marley talk

For a long time I've said that I need to write down the silly things that Marley says. Of course, I get busy and forget to then I forget what she even said. Well, that's changing now!  This will be a monthly post of all the silly and weird things she says.

After taking a picture of Mason and showing it to me-
Me- "HA! He looks scared"
Marley- "no he doesn't, he looks impressive"

This conversation happened after I explained the tooth fairy to her-
Marley- "that fairy isn't real"
Me- "what, why not?"
Marley- "Cause nobody is as small as a mouse"

At Meijer's with my mom, Marley kept asking to get a bag of popcorn and I told her no because we had popcorn at home-
Marley- "I'm getting popcorn" (while putting the bag in the cart)
Me- "No, you're not" (while taking the bag out of the cart)
Marley- "if it touches the cart, it stays in the cart"

Talking to Auntie Pam Pam- " Pam Pam can I have some root beard"

Showing grandma her coloring pages that Mike printed for her- "here's spiderman, the hulk, and here's a dumb ballerina"