September 4, 2011

Labor Day!

Here are a few pictures from our Labor Day weekend.  I went to a friend's house to visit and Mike and Marley went to my parents house to ride the go-kart and got extremely muddy!

Jacki and I have been friends since 2nd grade. And Laura moved here in 6th grade and the three of us have been friends ever since. 

I'm 11 weeks pregnant and Laura is 23 weeks. Due on Christmas day! (Update- Jacki was 8 weeks pregnant in this picture, but it was still a secret)

Before their ride
After their ride. She loved it!

September 1, 2011

Baby bumps

When I found out I was pregnant with Marley 4 years ago I took a picture of my "bump" every week until 41 weeks when I was eventually induced.  Marley was 8 days late and weighed 8lbs 2 oz.

Well here starts the weekly belly pictures for Baby #2 (Marley's decided on a name- Corn Tuck a Tuck. Not sure why, but she's pretty dead set that that's the baby's name)

6 weeks

7 weeks
8 weeks

11 weeks
Ahhh, only 30 more to go. 

Adding a fourth

Well, here's where the story begins I guess.  We found out towards the end of July that I am pregnant! Or as Marley would say 'mommy has a baby in her belly'  As of today, I am currently 11 weeks along.  From about the 6th-9th week I was extremely tired and wasn't feeling good for the first part of the day.  Then one day I woke up and just felt "normal" again.  I'm not going to lie, this scared me a little.  However, I had my first ultrasound on August 25th and saw the little heartbeat just a pumping away.  We also got to see it's little arms move.  Of course, it's been 4 years since I was pregnant with Marley, but I don't remember seeing her little heartbeat and when I mentioned this to Mike he said he doesn't remember seeing her move until she was much bigger.  So that was definitely a neat experience.

Little baby at 10 weeks. Head is on the right. Can see a little arm sticking up.

So, for now we're just doing our normal thing. Trying to get Marley excited about being a big sister and answering all of her questions about when the baby is going to come out, why can't it come out now, and all those fun 3 year old questions.  We're in the process of looking for a 3 bedroom house, but we're not rushing into anything since the next place we move will be where we stay since Marley will start school in a couple years =(

This blog is going to just be a way for us to share all the excitement of adding a new member to our little family and to show what's going on in our life on a daily basis. Sounds exciting right?!