March 8, 2017

2016 in Review

I wasn't very good at keeping the blog updated this past year but I'm really hoping to get back at it in 2017. Here's a review of all the exciting things that happened in 2016.

February- Mason did BMX and Marley did swim

March- Marley turned 8

April-  Mason turned 4

August- Marley started 3rd and Mason started preschool

October- Mason played soccer

December- Christmas

January 1, 2017

6 & 7 months

How is time going so fast? Max is almost 8 months but here's his 6 & 7 month photos. He's up to almost 18 pounds. He can't be contained. He's army crawling everywhere. Everything goes in his mouth. We started giving him baby puffs and small pieces of our food whenever we eat. We're totally skipping baby food. He just has his two bottom teeth still. Not consistently sleeping through the night but only waking once around 1am and then up for good around 6:30 when the big kids get up for school.