May 10, 2012

Five Weeks

May 8, 2012

One Month Old!

Last Saturday Mason turned one month old! Today was his doctor appointment.  He weighs 10 lbs 1.5 oz (down from 10lbs 5 oz)  He's 23 inches long (he's grown an inch) and his head is 16 inches around (grown 2 inches!) He's in the 90th percentile for height and head size, and 50th for weight.  His doctor mentioned that he should be back to his birth weight so she gave a prescription for vitamins and he has to go back in two weeks.  When he was in the NICU they checked his hearing and he failed on his left ear so we have to make an appointment to get that double checked sometime soon.  Lately he's been sleeping for 6-7 hours at night which is awesome!  He drinks 3 ounces of breast milk every 3-4 hours. Overall he's a great little guy!

Marley hasn't been to the doctor in a long time, so she also got a check-up.  She's average for height and weight at 39 lbs and 39 3/4 inches tall.  She also had to get FOUR SHOTS!! She was crying as soon as I told her she had to get shots.  She said she never wants to go to the doctor again! Poor thing. She did great but screamed and cried until we left the office.  We stopped for ice cream on the way home because I felt bad for her.  She's still being a great helper and actually wanted to change a diaper the other day!

(In other news I only have 10lbs to lose until I am back down to my pre-pregnancy weight!)

Marley (4 yrs) & Mason (1 month old)

Saturday 5-5-12

This past weekend was a very busy one!

Saturday morning- Marley had her first soccer game of the season. She actually kicked the ball and didn't cry like she did last year when she played.

Right after her game we headed out to South Bend for my niece Maliyah's 7th birthday party.  Can't believe she's 7 already!

Saturday also marked Mason turning one month old. His dr. appt is tomorrow so I'll have an updated post with all that info!

May 3, 2012

Four Weeks Old

Mason is four weeks old today. He weighs 11 lbs. He's a good baby and last night he slept for almost 7 hours straight! Today he also went to his first yard sale! Of course he slept the whole time though.

Little skinny legs!