November 2, 2011

This post is brought to you by the letter H

Halloween-  Marley said back in early September that she wanted to be a dinosaur for Halloween. I found 2 dino costumes for her. All along she wanted to be the green one, but when it was time to get dressed to go trick or treat, she changed her mind and was the blue one. She is one cute dino!

Half way done- ALREADY!? Today marked 20 weeks pregnant. It's gone by so fast, and the next 8 weeks will fly by with the holidays. I have a dr. appt on the 10th, and then the gender ultrasound, (still not finding out!) I have a lot of items for the baby already- 2 car seats, swing, bed set, crib, exersaucer, some yellow duck clothes, bouncer seat, and a black diaper bag since Mike wouldn't ever carry Marley's since it was pink. Corn tuck a tuck is roughly 10 inches long and weighs 10 ounces. Still lots of growing to do.  I'll update more after my appt. and ultrasound depending on when that is.

October 20, 2011

The good, the bad, and the uh-oh!

Here's the good-

18 weeks. Baby's heartbeat is right at 150.  Everything looks good so far. I also got my flu shot today.

Here's the bad-

That's an awesome bruise right? This is from about a week ago when I was mowing the grass. Something shot out and hit me right in the leg. It hurt so bad. 
And now the much anticipated uh-oh-

I was upstairs getting laundry and checking my email, and Marley yells up. " Mom I don't want my curl anymore" I instantly knew what she had done. Came downstairs and she had cut off all but an inch of her bangs. I cried, she cried, and Mike yelled. I trimmed them up a little so she didn't look so weird, but it's still not great. 

October 19, 2011

More blinds!

Once I hung up the one set of blinds, I had to do it to all our big windows.

This is our bigger window in our living room.  

Smaller window in living room 

Both windows. See that sun is harsh, but makes it so warm in there on cold sunny days. 

Dining room window.  
My next goal is all the smaller windows, but I have to wait for them to go on sale again. I ended up getting all three sets of blinds for around $50.

And here's a fun picture for you. Marley was pretending to be a puppy. Zeus looks HUGE!